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UpdateNPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) and the Clean Water Act --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Georgia EPD Below is the final permit and supporting documents. You need to submit an NOI to the EPD within 30 days of going over the 8960 acre threshold for mosquito control. This ONLY applies to adulticides. If you truck spray, this is ~246 miles, taking into account a 300' spray swath. Another way to calculate acreage sprayed by truck is to note your actual spray time (some spray pumps will monitor hours of use) and the mph at which you are spraying. Acres sprayed are:
You should continue to work on your PDMP, which will be required if you go over the 8960 acre adulticide threshold. This is to be kept filed at your agency and must be shown to anyone who asks for it. EPD FormsEPA Forms Useful Links --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information from the EPA The EPA's Pesticide General Permit history can be found at: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EPA's Proposed Benefits from NPDES and the AMCA rebuttal: At the annual AMCA Conference in Anaheim, an EPA official cited 6 purported benefits that will be realized from imposition of NPDES requirements on public health pesticide applications. At first glance, these may seem reasonable to individuals outside of the vector control community. A closer look, however, reveals some substantial flaws in their underlying reasoning. Be advised that these “benefits” are likely to be used by legislators or activists in support of the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals decision or by means of arguing that a legislative fix is unnecessary. AMCA disputes this rationale and is providing the following facts that call into question these benefits and their relevance to mosquito control operations. EPA Proposed Benefits and AMCA Rebuttal News from the AMCA, Dec 2018 The American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) and its state and local affiliated organizations, as well as related stakeholders advocated in support for critical bipartisan regulatory relief measures relating to duplicative permitting under the Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) in the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (H.R. 2). These provisions in Sec. 9117 in the House passed bill would have fostered the protection of public health and natural resources as well as provide regulatory relief to our nation’s farmers. The NPDES permitting requirement has had negative impacts on mosquito control programs throughout the nation charged with controlling these populations and guarding their communities against vector-borne diseases. AMCA while working closely with many House and Senate advocates were disappointed that these critical NPDES provisions were not adopted as part of the final Farm Bill Conference Report. AMCA does appreciate the efforts of key members of Congress that worked closely on this important issue, with the recognition that requirement of a NPDES permit is redundant, time-consuming, and a costly burden on mosquito control districts in the safeguarding of public health. Last updated December 28, 2024 |